Author: Gideon Asare
Product: Shop receipt prog
Language: c-pluplus
Contact: kofiowusu847@gmail.com
blog: http://quickerprogramming.blogspot.com
#include <iostream> //this file is responsible for input and output of data
#include <ctime> // it contains time elements */
#include <fstream> // fstream means file stream and its a library use to write to files in c++. it helps create files */
using namespace std; // the namespace std preprocessors enables the program to use c++ standard library
class timeteller{
void screenprompts();
void date_and_time();
void timeteller::date_and_time(){
time_t currentime = time(0);
char* dt =ctime(¤time);
cout << dt << endl;
void timeteller::screenprompts(){
cout << "Use the Tap key to space" << endl;
cout << "Press CTR Z to quit " << endl;
cout <<"you can tap twice if not align for the first entry only\n" << endl;
static string product; //static variables are always outside any function or class
static double amount;
static unsigned int quantity;
class sales{
// variable that are accessed only by the sales class
string Productname;
string numbersold;
string currency;
string total;
//prototypes of the functions for the sales class
sales(timeteller obj);
void head(string Pro,string Qt, string cu,string tot);
void main_heading();
double productprice();
string getpro();
string getcurrency();
string getnumbersold();
string gettotal();
sales::sales(timeteller obj){ // passing the timeller class object to sales constructor;
obj.screenprompts(); // using the object to access the functions of timeteller
void sales::head(string Pro,string Qt, string cu,string tot){
Productname = Pro, numbersold = Qt, currency = cu, total = tot;
ofstream thefile("receipt.txt");
thefile << Productname <<"\t" << numbersold << "\t" <<currency <<"\t" << total << endl;
//these similar functions returns the variables
string sales::getpro(){
return Productname; // return the variable; Productname;
string sales::getnumbersold(){
return numbersold;// return the variable numbersold;
string sales::getcurrency(){
return currency;
string sales::gettotal(){
return total;
// the function sales is basically doing the calculations
double sales::productprice(){ /* */
ofstream thefile("receipt.txt");
thefile << header;
cout << header << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------" << endl; // horizontal line to the user
cout << "ProName "" Quantity"" Amount"<<endl;
thefile<< "----------------------------------\n"; // horizontal line to the file
double finaltotal = 0 ;
// this is the grand total variable
while(cin>> product >> quantity >> amount){
double subtotal = 0; // the subtotal variable and initialized to 0;
subtotal = quantity * amount ; //
finaltotal += subtotal; // the sum of subtotal is grand total
/* this line writes to thefile created that txt file is name receipt.txt*/
thefile << product <<"\t"<< quantity <<"\t"<< amount<<"\t"<< subtotal<< endl;
// formatting on the txt file.
thefile << "\t\t\t\tGrand Total" << endl;
thefile << "\t\t\t\tGhc" << finaltotal;
/* Execution of the functions at main*/
/* standard c++ simplifies the main function by not explicitly using argv[] argc parameters*/
int main()
timeteller tim;
sales on(tim);
return 0;